Author Archives: Chris Garner

Sainsbury’s appeal at Kendal Rugby Club rejected

June 29th, 2012 | Posted by Chris Garner in News - (Comments Off on Sainsbury’s appeal at Kendal Rugby Club rejected)

Sainsbury’s second appeal has been dismissed impacting upon proposed plans to relocate to Oxenholme Road.

Land supply shortfall justifies greenfield planning permission

June 29th, 2012 | Posted by Chris Garner in News - (Comments Off on Land supply shortfall justifies greenfield planning permission)

Planning permission has been granted by Communities Secretary Eric Pickles for 1150 dwellings in Lancashire where the planning authority could only demonstrate 1.4 years supply.

Planning fees announcement due within weeks

June 29th, 2012 | Posted by Chris Garner in News - (Comments Off on Planning fees announcement due within weeks)

Shona Dunn, Planning Director at the Department for Communities and Local Government has indicated an intention to set out the way forward in relation to a review of planning application fees that may mean individual councils could be allowed to set out their own fees.