South Lakeland District Council are moving forward their Community Infrastructure Levy which indicates a levy will be charged at £50 sq.m for residential developments. For a 150sq.m house the charge for owners/developers will be £7,500. A hearing before a government inspector is anticipated in early 2015 with the charge likely to come into effect in Spring 2015. Any planning permissions … Read more
South Lakeland Community Infrastructure Levy
November 21st, 2014 | Posted by in News - (Comments Off on South Lakeland Community Infrastructure Levy)Caravan and lodge park consent
November 21st, 2014 | Posted by in News - (Comments Off on Caravan and lodge park consent)Garner Planning has secured planning permission for a caravan and lodge park near Hambleton, Lancashire. Given suggested concerns about potential flood risk issues a sequential test was undertaken demonstrating the limited opportunities for new caravan and lodge parks in Wyre Borough.